Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Classics Club Monthly Meme #2

This month's meme is to ' Pick a classic someone else in the club has read from our big review list. Link to their review and offer a quote from their post describing their reaction to the book. What about their post makes you excited to read that classic in particular?'

I've really enjoyed quietly browsing through the review list during August. Because I prefer not to read reviews before I've read a book myself my focus was less on the book the reviewer was writing about and more on the expression of how they felt about it. I found the enthusiasm I was looking for on two blogs and I'm not choosing one over the other - it is the same book.

' Don't let this book pass you by....a "MUST READ." '
Even before I read those words I was captivated by the descriptions of nature that were quoted.

'....and then I started reading it and I didn't want it to end. This is one of my favorites of the year so far. Love love love.'

Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak

That's enough to inspire me to add it to my list and be excited about reading it!


  1. Those are very convincing quotes for me too! :)

    1. They are indeed! I could feel the love and what more could one want.

  2. I second that. I think I might need to add this one to my list!

    1. It wasn't a book I thought of when compiling my list but it's on there now.

  3. Hey, thanks! :) I did truly love this book, so I hope you enjoy it too.

  4. Great and inviting quotes. I like the simplicity of your post, short and straight to the point while answering the question clearly.

    1. It was the only way to do it as I was only interested in the response.

  5. Oh yes, Doctor Zhivago is definitely a must read. I like the beautiful metaphors Pasternak used throughout the story, and the war views were touching.

  6. Excellent - another recommendation. Looking forward to reading it very much.

  7. I bought this book about 4 years ago, when I started to really focus on book blogging. It remains on a shelf, unread. So sad. I know that I should read it; I now that I want to read it; but, for some reason, the mood just hasn't struck me yet. Hopefully soon!
