Saturday, February 9, 2013

A Modern March

Hosted by Ally @ A Literary Odyssey A Modern March is ' a literary event focusing on the Modernist period.The event will begin on March 1 and end on March 31.

'If you have no idea what constitutes a piece of "Modern" literature (and whenever I say Modern, I don't mean contemporary lit), it generally refers to literature written between the very late 19th century and the halfway point of the 20th century. In general, Modernist writers experimented with style, form, and theme. They broke away from the traditional viewpoints found in literature until that point and strove to focus on the darker and more unpleasant sides of life. This is also the time period where stream-of-consciousness made its roaring appearance.'

I have no idea what I will read yet - so much to choose from and much depends what I'm in the mood for as March begins.  


  1. I must confess that I am not overly fond of modernisn, wheras I rather like the more traditional storytellers who were sidelined when it came into Vogue. So I'm not commiting myself, but I'm thinking maybe I'll order the first volume of Virginia Woolf's diaries from the library. Just to see ...

    1. I'm not either but there are authors I like so I'm sure I'll find something acceptable.

  2. I was wondering what qualifies as modern myself. I'll be interested to see what you choose.

    1. You can be sure it won't be anything like Ulysses!!
