Monday, June 14, 2010

The HUGE TBR Readathon

When: Monday June 14th 8 am (whatever time zone you are in) until Sunday, June 20th - midnight!
Where: Here! Or on your own blog.
What do I have to do? Read, read read. I'm not doing any special activities, but if you're reading this week, join on in.

Why not? After a weekend deprived of reading this will be welcome. I shall choose some of the 300p and less small books and see how far I can get. Officially I've started although I might adapt the time a bit to fit in with everyone else.


  1. Ooh, good luck! A whole week devoted to reading sounds pretty great :-) Can't wait to see all the reviews!

  2. During World Cup NEVER :-0

    Good luck though, have fun.

  3. Love this idea! I have a bunch of library books in the queue, but it is possible that I might be able to add in a TBR or two ...

  4. I signed up for this too. How could you pass up a whole week of reading.

  5. Good luck this week. :)

  6. Yay! Read on! Very smart of you not to post a goal right away. I hope I meet my huge goal! :)
