Wednesday, November 24, 2010

2 Challenges Completed

Colourful Challenge

Read 9 books during 2010, each with a different color in the title. The books I read ....

4. Fields of Gold by Fiona McIntosh
5. The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins
6. The Scarlet Contessa by Jeanne Kalogrides
7. Showdown at Yellow Butte by Louis L'Amour
8. The Greenlanders by Jane Smiley
9. Blue Diary by Alice Hoffman

Thanks to Rebecca at Lost in Books for hosting this fun challenge. I enjoyed hunting down titles with colours in them and two of my favourite reads for this year are on the list ( 1 + 8).


Chunkster Challenge

February 1, 2010 - January 31, 2011

I chose Level 2 - Do These Books Make my Butt Look Big? - this option is for the slightly heavier reader who wants to commit to 4 Chunksters ( any adult book with 450 + pages) over the next twelve months.
I read.......

2. New York - Edward Rutherfurd - 1017p
3. The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins - 574p
4. Mushashi by Eiji Yoshikawa - 970p

Thanks to the host Caribousmom for a great challenge.



  1. Doesn't it feel great to check off a completed challenge? I've been wrapping up some challenges on my blog, as well, and it's a great sense of accomplishment. Wish I would have seen the "Colorful" challenge as that sounds like fun; I read the entire Pink Carnation series this year, so I had lots of colorful reads!

  2. You know what caught my eye 970 pages, WOWSA, that is enough to celebrate on its own :-)

    I don't think I will enjoy haunting down titles for challenges but I can see how others would.

    Great job

  3. Joanne - it sure does. With only a month to go I'm really having to focus on finishing. This was a fun challenge and hopefully there'll be another in 2011.

    Marce - I love chunksters and it really is fun looking for the right titiles.

  4. Well done! I completed both of those challenges too. I thought the color one was particularly fun.

  5. Good job! I have an Rutherford on my list too - Russka, a very enjoyable book. He sure can be wordy though. Have a happy new year.
